The Best Baby Wrap for Summer – Nominating the WeeSprout Tencel Modal Wrap

The Best Baby Wrap for Summer – Nominating the WeeSprout Tencel Modal Wrap

A great baby wrap promotes bonding, provides comfort and offers convenience. And with a hot and fun filled summer ahead, finding the best baby wrap to use while out on adventures or at home getting things done is a must.

Features of a Great Summer Baby Wrap

When it comes to finding the best baby wrap for summer, there are a few essential features to consider. A great summer wrap must be;

  • Lightweight
  • Breathable
  • Comfortable
  • Convenient
  • Safe
  • Promote proper baby hip alignment
  • Promote bonding
  • Affordable

So with all of the above features in mind, I nominate the Weesprout tencel modal wrap as the best baby wrap for summer!

The first time I put the Weesprout wrap on and held my baby in it, I couldn’t stop exclaiming to my husband how amazing it felt to have her snuggled up against me. And months later, I’m still in love with this wrap and how close I feel to my baby when I wear it. I will almost always reach for this wrap before any of the others we have.

Benefits of the Weesprout Baby Wrap

summer outing to the park with my toddler and baby using the weesprout summer baby wrap

The Weesprout baby wrap comes as a long piece of tencel modal fabric that you strategically wrap around your hips and shoulders to create a comfortable and nurturing nest for baby. And it feels so good to have baby up against you in this lightweight silky smooth wrap!

Tencel Modal Fabric

The Weesprout wrap is made of tencel modal fabric, which has the following qualities;

  • lightweight
  • breathable
  • moisture wicking
  • soft and silky feeling

As we are starting to hit 90 degree days, I am especially grateful for the lightweight and breathability of the Weesprout wrap. And despite the lightweight quality of the wrap, it still feels very durable. I have no doubts about the strength of the fabric safely holding my baby in place.

weesprout baby wrap tencel modal fabric tag

Tencel modal also has a minimal and silky texture which feels cooling on hot sticky days.

While hefty and more expensive baby carriers like the Ergobaby Omni Mesh 360 carrier are great, I much prefer the simple Weesprout wrap on hot days. Additionally, I think my baby prefers the greater visibility offered when she is in the Weesprout wrap since it is not as bulky and she is still so small.

Environmentally Sustainable Product

An additional important benefit, is that tencel modal is an eco-friendly product. Cariki explains that it is sourced from eucalyptus wood and is produced through an eco-friendly manufacturing process. Plus, tencel is biodegradable as long as it’s not blended with other non biodegradable materials.

Promotes Bonding

The fabric has a minimal yet durable feel to it, and I was amazed by how close and comfortable I felt with my baby the first time I put her in the WeeSprout wrap. It reminds me of being pregnant again, but without the discomfort of having all my internal organs squished!

bonding with baby using the best baby wrap for summer

And there is nothing sweeter than looking down at my baby’s face as she is snuggled up in her wrap. She always grabs the neck of my shirt with her little fingers and just looks so content being held in this wrap. She both naps as well as spends time awake in it.

Just Enough Stretch

At first I thought the Weesprout baby wrap did not have enough stretch. But the more I use it, I realize it has just the right amount of stretch. Any more stretch and I feel like my baby would start to sag in it overtime. And any less stretch and it would be too constricting.

If I have tied the wrap a little too tight before putting my baby in, the fabric gives enough that I can pull it to accommodate a bit more space. And once my baby is in the wrap, she stays nice and secure in place the whole time I’m wearing her. And I have gone on many summer outings and held her in this the entire time. I also carry her around the house in the wrap.

How to Tie the Wrap

There is definitely a bit of a learning curve when it comes to using this wrap. For example, it takes some practice to figure out how taut you want to wrap it around you before putting baby in. How tight or loose you tie it will impact how high or low baby sits and how well baby is supported against you.

I also found that during this learning curve period, my baby wasn’t always thrilled to be put in the wrap. So for about a week, I thought I had wasted my money, because my baby seemed to detest being put in it. I kept at it though, and after a few days of focusing on getting the wrap tie down, both baby and I fell in love. My baby wants to be in this wrap all the time now and always settles down when in it.

So just keep in mind it takes a little patience and practice to get the wrap tie just right for you and your baby. 

The wrap comes with a handy little instruction manual with pictures showing how to tie the wrap.

weesprout baby wrap tie instructions

weesprout summer baby wrap instruction manual

Taking care of a little one is no easy feat, so having a good baby wrap to support both baby and mom and/or dad is key! And when it’s hot outside and you want to stay cool and feel close with baby, the Weesprout wrap is a great option.


  • Gussi Ochi

    Just another mom learning and growing in motherhood everyday! | BA in psychology, MA in art therapy & counseling, former licensed massage therapist

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