My Unplanned VBAC Birth Story: When Baby Arrives in a Hurry

My Unplanned VBAC Birth Story: When Baby Arrives in a Hurry

My first birth was an emergency c-section and my second was an unplanned VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). The best-laid plans, right? Birth plans gone awry are the quintessential example of one of life’s favorite maxims; control is an illusion. I spent hours during my 

How I Treated My Postpartum Anal Fissure After Childbirth

How I Treated My Postpartum Anal Fissure After Childbirth

Let me tell you about my postpartum anal fissure and how I got through it. A fissure is defined by the Mayo Clinic as a small tear in the lining of the anus. A postpartum fissure is among the most painful issues a woman may experience after 

Nipple Pain When Breastfeeding And How To Manage It

Nipple Pain When Breastfeeding And How To Manage It

After going through Painful Breastfeeding as a New Mom with my first baby, I am happy to report that I have successfully managed nipple pain when breastfeeding with my second. I still experienced sore and painful nipples this second time around, but it never got anywhere near 

When Should Family Visit Your Newborn Baby? Tips and Rules

When Should Family Visit Your Newborn Baby? Tips and Rules

Topics Considerations – When Should Family Visit Newborn Baby?     1. Know Thyself     2. Protecting Immature Newborn Immune System     3. Establishing Breastfeeding     4. Processing Postpartum Emotions Establishing Boundaries with Newborn Visitors     1. Give Yourself Permission to Have Boundaries     2. Practice Clear 

C-Section Hospital Bag Checklist for Mom and Baby

C-Section Hospital Bag Checklist for Mom and Baby

 As far as my hospital bag was concerned, I was wildly unprepared after the birth of my first child. I had not yet prepared a bag when my water broke at 37 weeks, and I had not anticipated staying in the hospital for 5 days 

When Does Morning Sickness End?!

When Does Morning Sickness End?!

My second pregnancy was brutal in terms of morning sickness. Or should I say 24/7 sickness. Why it’s called “morning sickness” makes no sense to me. In fact, I often felt the worst in the evenings and in the middle of the nights. In the 

Sandwich Generation Planning

Sandwich Generation Planning

According to Pew Research, the “sandwich generation” describes, “those who have a living parent age 65 or older and are either raising a child under age 18 or supporting a grown child”. And they explain that the sandwich generation often is providing financial and or emotional support for 

Fighting Stay at Home Mom Shame

Fighting Stay at Home Mom Shame

After meeting someone new, I always dread that question, “What do you do?” This question used to be a source of pride for me when I was working (in a paid position) and/or was studying in school. Now though, I feel a touch of shame 

Is a “Chemical Pregnancy” a “Miscarriage”? Terms Explained

Is a “Chemical Pregnancy” a “Miscarriage”? Terms Explained

My Chemical Pregnancy Experience What is a Chemical Pregnancy? Is a Chemical Pregnancy a Miscarriage? Do Recurrent Chemical Pregnancies Count as “Recurrent Miscarriage”? How Common Are Chemical Pregnancies? After a blighted ovum miscarriage about 6 months ago, I was cautiously optimistic that I would go 

Fighting the Mom Guilt Monster this Mother’s Day

Fighting the Mom Guilt Monster this Mother’s Day

While TV ads and hallmark cards often suggest that all “good” mothers want to spend Mother’s Day with their families, I am here to tell you otherwise. Most moms with young kids that I know just want some guilt free, luxurious alone time. To simply 

Raising Little Boys and Thoughts on Andrew Yang’s ‘Why Boys and Men are Failing’ Episode

Raising Little Boys and Thoughts on Andrew Yang’s ‘Why Boys and Men are Failing’ Episode

As a mother of a 2 year old boy, Andrew Yang’s recent episode on his podcast ‘Forward’ piqued my interest; “Why Boys and Men are Failing”. You can also watch the conversation between Yang and Zach Graumann on YouTube. I found this an odd and intriguing topic 

Raising Global Citizens for a Better Tomorrow

Raising Global Citizens for a Better Tomorrow

Table of Contents Reflecting on the Russia-Ukraine War in 2022 What is a Global Citizen? How to Raise Our Children as Global Citizens Staying Informed Fostering Multicultural Awareness Encouraging Collaboration Encouraging Gratitude and Empathy I was going to write this week’s post on pumpkin muffins for 

Intergenerational Family Patterns and How We Parent

Intergenerational Family Patterns and How We Parent

Intergenerational family patterns are made up of behaviors, beliefs and family dynamics that are passed down from generation to generation. These patterns become deeply entrenched within family systems. And in the case of unhealthy patterns, this is problematic because they can be difficult to break. 

Minimalist Practices to Help Prevent Parent Burnout

Minimalist Practices to Help Prevent Parent Burnout

‘Parent exhaustion’ is the particular flavor of overwhelm and depletion that comes from meeting the demands of a small child day in and day out (and night in and night out). And when the exhaustion becomes chronic, it leads to parent burnout. WebMD aptly describes parent 

10 Tips to Help Parents Handle Toddler Temper Tantrums

10 Tips to Help Parents Handle Toddler Temper Tantrums

Parenting young children is a journey filled with love, laughter, and of course, temper tantrums. The toddler years through the preschool years are especially a wild ride.  While no parent likes dealing with toddler tantrums, the good news is that there are ways to effectively 

How to Encourage Independent Play: 15 Actionable Tips!

How to Encourage Independent Play: 15 Actionable Tips!

My son loves playing… with people, namely mom and dad. He is constantly begging to play cars, hide and seek, tag, and the myriad of other games he comes up with. While I love that he is so enthusiastic about playing, I do not always 

What is a Miscarriage Like? What I Wish I Had Known Beforehand

What is a Miscarriage Like? What I Wish I Had Known Beforehand

Miscarriage… not a topic I thought I would ever write about. But here we are.  I was completely blindsided both physically and emotionally by my miscarriage. I knew practically nothing about the process, and I felt alone and disoriented. I had never really thought about 

Postpartum Insomnia and Strategies for a Better Night’s Sleep

Postpartum Insomnia and Strategies for a Better Night’s Sleep

During the first year of my child’s life, I told myself that sleep deprivation was normal. And it is, to a certain extent. Night feeds and wake ups are just a part of the initiation process into parenthood. So I did not worry too much 

Painful Breastfeeding as a New Mom

Painful Breastfeeding as a New Mom

I have been wanting to share my story with new and expecting moms about how I initially struggled with painful breastfeeding.