breast milk ring and breast milk pendant
Breastfeeding Moms | Motherhood

How to Make Your Own Affordable Quality Breast Milk Jewelry

When I first heard about breast milk jewelry, I scoffed at the idea. Why would anyone care about preserving their breastmilk in a weird piece of jewelry? Fast forward a few months to when I started making plans to wean my baby, and I found myself thinking about breastmilk jewelry and how I wanted some….

mom breastfeeding baby
Breastfeeding Moms | Motherhood

How to Know When You Are Truly Ready to Stop Breastfeeding?

Signs I Was Ready To Stop Breastfeeding Many moms have a love-hate relationship with breastfeeding. There’s nothing quite like nourishing your child from your own body, and it marks a finite period in a woman’s life as a mother. It is also a test of endurance. Many breastfeeding moms (this includes both nursing and pumping…

breastfeeding pillow and emergen-c products
Breastfeeding Moms | Motherhood

Can You Take Emergen-C While Breastfeeding? Dosage Safety

During cold and flu season, busy breastfeeding moms may be asking, can you take Emergen C while breastfeeding? Anything that can potentially give a tired mom a leg up sounds like a pretty good idea, right? A review of the available information and scientific literature online indicates that breastfeeding mamas can generally take vitamin C…

mom breastfeeding her 1 year old
Breastfeeding Moms | Motherhood

Breastfeeding at 1-Year-Old: How Often Should I Be Nursing?

Content: Breastfeeding a 1-Year-Old: How Often? As babies transition from infancy to toddlerhood, their nutritional needs evolve. Their relationship with breastfeeding also changes. Breastfeeding past the 1-year mark is often referred to as “extended breastfeeding”. Many benefits come with extended breastfeeding, as well as some challenges. One of the challenges I came across as I…

assortment of healthy snacks for nursing moms
Breastfeeding Moms | Motherhood

My 12 Favorite Snacks for Nursing Moms

Breastfeeding is a big job. As such, snacks for nursing moms are essential! Not only is making breastmilk physically demanding, but it can be mentally and emotionally demanding as well. Many mamas are feeding their babies around the clock and may additionally be dealing with issues like; nipple pain, clogged ducts, milk blebs, undersupply, oversupply, latch problems,…

breastfeeding and dealing with a milk bleb
Breastfeeding Moms | Motherhood

Milk Blebs and Shooting Pain

Please note that I am not a medical or lactation professional, or qualified to give advice. I share information here along with my personal experience as a breastfeeding mom, however, questions regarding individual concerns should be directed to a healthcare provider. Breastfeeding is one of the most arduous tasks of motherhood. It is time-intensive and…

mom with nipple pain when breastfeeding
Breastfeeding Moms | Motherhood

Breastfeeding Essentials To Help Manage Discomfort

After going through Painful Breastfeeding as a New Mom with my first baby (there were lots of tears), I was scared to nurse my second. I am happy to report, though, that this second time around has been much better! With a few breastfeeding essentials on board, I have been able to manage the discomfort and pain….

signs baby is ready to wean from breastfeeding
Breastfeeding Moms | Early Child Development | Infants (0-1 yr) | Motherhood | Toddlers (1-3yrs)

Natural Baby Self Weaning Signs from Breastfeeding

Contents My baby began a gradual process of self-weaning from breastfeeding shortly after 12 months of age. This took me by surprise because I always figured I would be the one to decide when our nursing relationship ended. After all, I had heard stories of nursing mothers who had 4-year-olds still breastfeeding. I wasn’t planning…