kids bathroom organization with suction cup toothbrush holders
Motherhood | Wellness

Mom Organization Hacks For Overwhelmed Parents

Life gets hectic with young kids, and adopting some solid mom organization hacks has saved me a lot of time, money, effort, and sanity! Plus, staying organized at home keeps my family rocking and rolling and models important organizational skills to my kids. Here are some of my favorite ways to maintain an organized home…

two young children
Motherhood | Wellness

Book Review and Summary: Hunt, Gather, Parent by Michaeleen Doucleff

In her book Hunt, Gather, Parent, Author Michaeleen Doucleff travels around the world to Mayan, Inuit, and Hadzabe villages with her young daughter. She learns about the parenting practices of these cultures and shares her findings along with some practical parenting tips. Doucleff explains how the parenting practices from these ancient cultures help produce helpful,…

stormy weather
Motherhood | Wellness

For The Stay At Home Mom Who Is Angry All The Time: 5 Tips

Welcome to part 2 of what has unfortunately become my angry stay-at-home mom series. Ugh. Part 1 of the series is all about Understanding Causes Of Mom Rage And Taking Back Control. I discuss what it’s like to experience mom rage and some of the ways I am dealing with emotional dysregulation. In this second post,…

stay at home mom holding baby
Motherhood | Wellness

My 10 Biggest Struggles As A Stay At Home Mom

My journey as a stay-at-home mom has been full of ups and downs. High-highs and low-lows. This blog post is about the low-lows. Specifically, the following 10 stay-at-home mom struggles; SAHM (stay-at-home mom) life is of course not only made up of these struggles. There are incredible parts too! You can read about those in…

stay at home mom cuddling with kids
Motherhood | Wellness

10 Remarkable Benefits Of Being A Stay At Home Mom

I have spent a lot of time writing about my struggles in motherhood here on the Shiny New Parent blog. While sharing these struggles is important, I also want to share what I love about motherhood; and specifically my life as a stay-at-home mom! So in this post, I’ll outline some of the greatest benefits of being a stay-at-home…

mom writing down triggers of mom rage
Motherhood | Wellness

Understanding Causes of Mom Rage and Taking Back Control

Most people who know me would probably describe me as a quiet and calm person. They might be surprised to hear me talk about a topic like “mom rage”. But here we go.  In the last year or so (since having my second child), I have repeatedly had the soul-sucking experience of getting caught in…

introverted mom artwork by Gussi Ochi
Motherhood | Wellness

Why Introverted Moms Need Alone Time Without Feeling Guilty

Content Last Sunday I took my 16-month-old daughter to her gymnastics class (aka a bunch of toddlers wandering around in circles). As everyone gathered in a circle at the start of class, the instructor went around and asked everyone what they did the previous day (a Saturday).  Every parent explained some wonderful outing they went…

mom at bedtime and at wake-up
Motherhood | Wellness

Essential Mom Self-Care: Simple Circadian Clock Reset Tips

The biggest issue I have struggled with as a mom of 2 young children is exhaustion and sleep deprivation. An out-of-whack sleep schedule has made me feel physically and mentally unwell. It has become a vicious stress cycle of staying up late to unwind and then waking up exhausted and unequipped to manage the day….

mom with young children seeking a moms village
Motherhood | Wellness

Does it Take a Village to Raise a Child? Parenting Today

All parents need some type of support network when raising young children. What this support network looks like though, can vary. Different parents need varying levels and sources of support depending on the following; For example, some need a strong emotional support system, while others need support in the form of childcare due to a…

calming watercolor painting
Motherhood | Wellness

Overstimulated Mom Symptoms and 20 Soothing Ways to Cope

An overstimulated mom is tired, stressed, and overwhelmed. Her nervous system has been bombarded with sensory information in the form of shrieking rambunctious children, crying babies, and the countless demands of motherhood.  She may experience strong feelings of anger and irritability, and feel like she is losing control. She may even experience feelings of anxiety…

stay-at-home mom listening to a guided meditation
Motherhood | Wellness

Stay at Home Mom Burnout Signs and 10 Ways to Recover

If you are dealing with stay-at-home mom burnout, you are not alone. Raising children full-time is hard work and can get the best of anyone.  While all mamas have the occasional hard day, a burnt-out mama lives in survival mode. She has a torturously hard day everyday, or most days. She feels depleted, disconnected and…

mom holding and hugging young child
Motherhood | Wellness

How an Assertive Parenting Style Helps Mom Keep her Calm

As a mom of a rambunctious baby and a high-energy preschooler, I can get pretty overstimulated and overwhelmed. Sometimes my nerves are completely fried by the end of the day. This is when I start to feel angry, resentful, and burnt out. The constant motion, noise, and general chaos of raising two young children is…

family nature walk using a lightweight and breathable baby wrap
Early Child Development | Infants (0-1 yr) | Motherhood | Wellness

The Best Baby Wrap Carrier for Summer – Nominating the WeeSprout Tencel Modal Wrap

With sunshine and fun-filled days ahead, finding the best baby wrap carrier for summer is a must! A cozy wrap is great to use while out and about or at home getting things done. Features of a Great Summer Baby Carrier Wrap A great baby carrier wrap promotes bonding, provides comfort, and offers convenience. When…

holding my newborn baby after an unplanned vbac birth
Motherhood | Wellness

My Unplanned VBAC Birth Story: When Baby Arrives in a Hurry

My first birth was an emergency c-section and my second was an unplanned VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). The best-laid plans, right? Birth plans gone awry are the quintessential example of one of life’s favorite maxims; control is an illusion. My Unplanned VBAC Birth I went into spontaneous labor in the wee hours of the…

home remedy supplies for postpartum anal fissure healing
Motherhood | Wellness

How I Treated My Postpartum Anal Fissure After Childbirth

Let me tell you about my postpartum anal fissure and how I got through it. A fissure is defined by the Mayo Clinic as a small tear in the lining of the anus. A postpartum fissure is among the most painful issues a woman may experience after birth, yet one of the least talked about. Given that…

newborn baby
Early Child Development | Infants (0-1 yr) | Motherhood | Wellness

When Should Family Visit Your Newborn Baby? Tips and Rules

Considerations – When Should Family Visit Newborn Baby?     1. Know Thyself     2. Protecting Immature Newborn Immune System     3. Establishing Breastfeeding     4. Processing Postpartum Emotions Establishing Boundaries with Newborn Visitors     1. Give Yourself Permission to Have Boundaries     2. Practice Clear and Kind Communication Around Boundaries There are a lot of…

chemical pregnancy and faint lines on pregnancy tests
Motherhood | Wellness

Is a “Chemical Pregnancy” a “Miscarriage”? Terms Explained

While a “chemical pregnancy” is often referred to as an “early miscarriage”, it is not technically considered a “miscarriage” (at least not always). A Lack Of Clarity Around The Term “Chemical Pregnancy” Confusing, right? As a woman who had 1 blighted ovum miscarriage and 2 chemical pregnancies, I remember feeling very frustrated with this lack of clarity….

symbol of motherhood
Motherhood | Wellness

Fighting the Mom Guilt Monster this Mother’s Day

While TV ads and hallmark cards often suggest that all “good” mothers want to spend Mother’s Day with their families, I am here to tell you otherwise. Most moms with young kids that I know just want some guilt-free, luxurious alone time. To simply be away from screaming wiggling children. Just some quiet and stillness…

baby sleeping on dad
Motherhood | Wellness

Intergenerational Family Patterns and How We Parent

Intergenerational family patterns are made up of behaviors, beliefs, and family dynamics that are passed down from generation to generation. These patterns become deeply entrenched within family systems. And in the case of unhealthy patterns, this is problematic because they can be difficult to break. Family members may accept certain patterns as the norm, or…

Minimalist Practices to Help Prevent Parent Burnout
Motherhood | Wellness

Minimalist Practices to Help Prevent Parent Burnout

‘Parent exhaustion’ is the particular flavor of overwhelm and depletion that comes from meeting the demands of a small child day in and day out (and night in and night out). And when the exhaustion becomes chronic, it leads to parent burnout. WebMD aptly describes parent burnout as, “a condition in which you’re so exhausted that…

What is a Miscarriage Like? What I Wish I Had Known Beforehand
Motherhood | Wellness

What is a Miscarriage Like? What I Wish I Had Known Beforehand

Miscarriage… not a topic I thought I would ever write about. But here we are.  I was completely blindsided both physically and emotionally by my miscarriage. I knew practically nothing about the process, and I felt alone and disoriented. I had never really thought about the question before, “What is a miscarriage like?”.  So I…

woman in bed unable to sleep
Motherhood | Wellness

Postpartum Insomnia and Strategies for a Better Night’s Sleep

During the first year of my child’s life, I told myself that sleep deprivation was normal. And it is, to a certain extent. Night feeds and wake-ups are just a part of the initiation process into parenthood. So I did not worry too much that first year about my sleep habits, as I was caught…