Best Family Beach Packing List: Baby, Toddler, Kid Edition!

Best Family Beach Packing List: Baby, Toddler, Kid Edition!

As we are headed into the sunshine season, let’s get ready for some sandy fun-filled days at the beach!

Taking a family vacation or even just a day trip to the beach can be hard work and requires some planning, especially with little ones in tow. Just know that the time and energy put into packing is worth it!

Being prepared for a trip means that there is more time and energy to relax and have fun once you arrive at your destination. You don’t have to think about as many logistics and you can be fully present with your family. 

The first time my family went on a beach day trip, I could not believe how much stuff we needed. We were disorganized and we were missing some key items. I vowed to pack better for our next family beach trip.

So I created this list with all of the essentials as well as some nice to have items, to simplify the packing process and ensure a great time at the beach!

Day Trips Vs Overnight Vacations

While this list contains many items for day trips to the beach, it is also relevant for overnights trips. You may just want to rent items like beach umbrellas, chairs and even beach toys rather than take them on an airplane, obviously! If traveling by plane, you can even rent a big cooler and check out the local grocery stores to stock up on snacks and sandwich fixings once you get to your destination.  

Alternatively, many Airbnb or Vrbo beach house rentals will already have many beach supplies, like sand toys and towels. You can message your host ahead of time and see what they already have for you to borrow. 

The Ultimate Family Beach Trip Packing List

Here’s the complete beach packing list for the family! To see the compiled list without additional notes and tips, feel free to skip ahead.

* marks additional notes

1. Transportation Gear

  • Collapsible beach wagon *
  • Travel bags *

Collapsible beach wagon – A wagon is great for hauling all of your gear and supplies to and from the car. The first time my family went to the beach without a wagon, we made so many trips to and from the car. It created so much extra work when we should have just been relaxing and having fun! Wagons can be a bit on the pricey side, but they truly are worth it and will make the whole beach experience with young children easier. We found a great collapsible wagon with heavy duty tires for less than $100.

* Travel bags – Organizing items by category and keeping each category in a separate bag can make locating items when at the beach much easier. Here is a list of all the different bags you may want; 

  • Beach toy bag
  • Snack bag
  • Clothing bag
  • Sun protection bag
  • Beach lounging gear and supplies bag
  • Miscellaneous supplies bag
  • Car activities bag

Large duffels, backpacks, or beach bags work great for car trips. You can easily throw them in a collapsible beach wagon and haul everything to and from your beach spot. If traveling by plane, putting items in smaller bags within a large rolling bag makes travel through airports much easier.

Print the summarized checklist to use as a reference when you are at the beach and trying to locate different items. You can write out the item category for each bag on a piece of scotch tape and stick it on the outside of each bag for easy identification.

2. Beach Toys and Games

  • Kite
  • Soccer ball
  • Frisbee
  • Bubbles
  • Beach ball 
  • Slotted laundry basket or beach bag *
  • Beach toys *
  • Jump rope *
  • Baby bathtub * if applicable
  • Flotation devices if applicable
  • Snorkel gear if applicable


kid sand toys on the beach

* Slotted laundry basket or beach bag- Keep all your toys in a laundry basket and then shake all the sand through the basket slots when it’s time to pack up. This will help you avoid taking a bunch of sand home with you and will help keep everything consolidated while you are playing on the beach. Alternatively, a nice big beach bag will do the trick as well!

* Beach toys – Sand pails, water squirters, shovels, water toys, sand molders and sand cars/trucks all help keep little ones busy playing on the beach.

* Jump rope – Wiggle a jump rope or run around with one trailing behind you on the beach and let your kids try and catch the end. This is a great game for young children. 

* Baby bathtub – If you have a baby, a baby bathtub can be great to have on the beach. You can fill it with ocean water with a sand pail and let your little one cool off and splash around without having to hold them at the ocean’s edge the whole time. If traveling by plane this is obviously not an item you want to pack, but it’s great to pack if you have room in your car.

3. Snacks

  • Baby/toddler food pouches
  • Sweet treats
  • Water *
  • Snacks for kids and adults *

* Water – Lots of water is a must. Pack an insulated water bottle or two to keep water cold and a large jug for refills. Sippy cups or regular cups come in hand as well. 

* Snacks for kids and adults – Good packable snack options include items like; 

  • crackers/chips
  • dried fruit
  • granola bars (these homemade granola bars are great for little ones)
  • beef jerky
  • puffs
  • melties
  • teething crackers

4. Cooler

  • Ice packs
  • Lemon slices for water
  • Sandwiches – pb&j, turkey sandwiches
  • Smoothies
  • Go-gurts
  • Sliced fresh fruit and veggies

5. Clothing

  • Change of clothes for the end of the day
  • Bathing suits
  • Sandals
  • Swim diapers 
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Wet bag *
  • Dry bag *
  • Water shoes *

Wet bag * – Bring a trash bag to throw wet bathing suits and wet clothes in at the end of the day.

Dry bag * – Bring a dry bag to have a change of dry clothes for everyone to get into at the end of the day.

Water shoes * – Water shoes are great to protect feet from debris in the sand and hot sand when running to and from the water.

6. Sun Protection

  • Lip balm with SPF
  • Cover-ups and long sleeve shirts
  • Beach tent or beach umbrellas *
  • Rash guards *
  • Sun hats *
  • Sunglasses *
  • Sunscreen *


wide brimmed sun hat that rolls up for easy packing
Love my packable sun hat!

Beach tent or beach umbrellas – Large shade protection is especially important if babies and young toddlers are in the picture. There skin is so delicate and spending large amounts of time under a harsh sun on a hot day leaves them vulnerable to sunburns or overheating. 

* Rash guards – There are many great rash guards with UV protection for kids. Investing in one is a great way to protect your little one from sunburn. 

* Sun hats – A wide-brimmed sun hat (for kids and adults) that protects the back of the neck and shoulders as well as the face is great for long hot sunny days at the beach. I love my packable sun hat that rolls up so it doesn’t get crushed or take up too much space en route.  

* Sunglasses – Young children have especially delicate eyes, so remember to pack a pair of sunnies for everyone!

* Sunscreen – UV protection is perhaps the most essential item to pack. Make sure you have a big bottle of waterproof sunscreen that isn’t expired. Consider a mineral based reef-safe sunscreen. 

7. Beach Lounging Items

  • Beach chairs
  • Fitted sheet *
  • Beach towels *
  • Fold up baby bouncer * if applicable


baby in bouncer at the beach
Our baby napping in her Baby Bjorn fold up bouncer on the beach!

* Fitted sheet – You can lay a fitted sheet out flat and put bulky items in all 4 corners to create a nice big relatively sand free spot. You can keep all your supplies here or use it as a picnic spot.

* Beach towels – Turkish towels are lightweight, dry quickly, and pack down well, making them great for beach trips.

* Fold up bouncer – A collapsible bouncer is amazing to have at the beach for babies that aren’t yet sitting up on their own.

8. Miscellaneous Items

  • Paper towels
  • Fully charged cell phone
  • Facial wipes
  • Waterproof camera or phone waterproof cover
  • Small journal/paper pad and writing/drawing tools
  • Books
  • Ear pods/headphones
  • Plastic bags for cell phones and other items you do not want to get sandy or wet
  • First aid kit *
  • Baby powder *
  • Bug spray *
  • Nursing cover if applicable
  • Diapers, wipes, travel pad or blanket if applicable

* First aid kit – You never know what might happen during a fun filled day with active kids. Having some basic first aid items can really come in hand! Big and small bandaids, antibiotic ointment or betadine, Benadryl and aloe vera are some good basics to have. 

* Baby powder – At the end of the day or before lunch you can sprinkle some baby powder on sandy hands and feet. This helps absorb water from wet sand and makes it easy to brush off all the excess sand that tends to stick and make its way into clothes and cars. 

* Bug spray – Pack an eco-friendly non-toxic bug spray to keep pesky mosquitoes and sand fleas at bay. 

9. Car Ride or Plane Activities

If traveling with young children, you know that getting to and from places can be a challenge. Unless little ones are snoozing in the car or on the plane, they likely need something to keep them busy. 

  • Ipad or tablet for kids
  • Kids’ music or audio storybooks
  • Drawing tools (water drawing pad, notepad with markers, or drawing tablet)
  • Magnet activity board
  • Magnetic travel tangram puzzle book
  • Car bingo set

Beach Activity Ideas

  • Visit the local ice cream shop 
  • Build sandcastles
  • Visit the beach water park if available
  • Throw a frisbee or kick a soccer ball on the beach
  • Relax in the ocean breeze and meditate on the waves
  • Beach walk
  • Draw in the sand with sticks
  • Make a seashell and rock design in the sand
  • Bring out the bubble wands
  • Fly a kite
  • Run away from waves (young kids love this)
  • Pick up trash on the beach with kids
  • Beach yoga
  • Explore tide pools *
  • Read on the beach * 
  • Explore the local scene *

sand mandala

* Explore tide pools – Check the local tide schedule to find out when low tide is.

* Beach walk – Give young kids a sand pail to collect sea shells along the way. Teaching them to leave the seashells at the beach at the end of the day can be a good learning moment to encourage environmental awareness. An alternative to a family beach walk is having your partner watch the kiddos while you go for a walk or jog and get some solo time in to recharge. 

* Read on the beach – Check out your local library’s collection of both fiction and non-fiction books about the beach and ocean. Reading about sea life while sitting by the ocean can be a fun way for kids to learn. kids will also love reading a storybook about the ocean while burying their feet in the sand. Also bring your own book to read if you get a quiet moment for some R&R! 

* Explore the local scene – Beach towns often have fun activities and sites to check out if you do not want to spend all of your time in the sand. Some places have small aquariums, carousels and fun candy shops with lots of salt water taffy! Eating out and getting some delicious seafood can be a special treat and be a chance to expose kids to foods they don’t normally eat.

Stress-Free Packing

Packing for a family beach trip can be overwhelming. As a mama of two little ones, I have been known to experience parental burnout and mom overstimulation, so I try to simplify as many things as possible when it comes to packing. I also do my best to adopt a relaxed mindset, and take care to pack ample snacks and other essentials that help keep toddler tantrums at bay!

Start Packing Well Ahead of Time

When packing for the first time for a family beach trip, it’s a good idea to start packing a few days in advance. This gives you time to head to the store to pick up any items you don’t already have.  

The Most Important Thing

At the end of the day, the most important thing to keep in mind is that a great family vacation or day trip is about the time you spend together. It is about the joy and the shared experience of being in a beautiful place with the people you love.

Refer to a packing list, but don’t get too caught up in the details. If there are some items that you don’t have and don’t want to buy or have the funds to buy, don’t worry about it! As long as you have ample sun protection, snacks and water, the beach will do the rest! 

Family Beach Trip Packing Checklist

Transportation Gear

  • Collapsible beach wagon
  • Travel bags

Beach Toys

  • Slotted laundry basket or beach bag
  • Kite
  • Soccer ball
  • Frisbee
  • Bubbles
  • Beach ball 
  • Sand Toys
  • Jump rope
  • (Baby bathtub)
  • (Flotation devices)
  • (Snorkel gear)


  • Beach chairs
  • Fitted sheet
  • Beach towels
  • (Fold up bouncer)


  • Baby/toddler food pouches
  • Sweet treats
  • Water
  • Snacks for kids and adults
  • Change of clothes for the end of the day
  • Bathing suits
  • Sandals
  • Wet bag
  • Dry bag
  • (Swim diapers) 

Sun Protection

  • Water shoes
  • Lip balm with SPF
  • Cover-ups and long sleeve shirts
  • Beach tent or beach umbrellas
  • Rash guards
  • Sun hats
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Ice packs
  • Lemon slices for water
  • Sandwiches – pb&j, turkey sandwiches
  • Smoothies
  • Go-gurts
  • Sliced fresh fruit and veggies


  • Paper towels
  • Fully charged cell phone and charger
  • Leave-in conditioner
  • Facial wipes
  • Waterproof camera or phone waterproof cover
  • Small journal/paper pad and writing/drawing tools
  • Book
  • Ear pods or headphones
  • Plastic bags for cell phones and other items you do not want to get sandy or wet
  • First aid kit
  • Bug spray
  • Baby powder
  • (Nursing cover)
  • (Diapers, wipes, changing pad/blanket)


  • Gussi Ochi

    Just another mom learning and growing in motherhood everyday! | BA in psychology, MA in art therapy & counseling, former licensed massage therapist

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