Motherhood is full of ups, downs, and all arounds. One day you’re feeling like a rockstar, and the next you’re filled with overwhelming doubt and fear. With this is mind, I share my experiences and what I’m learning along the way …
- Common motherhood struggles and ways to cope
- Breastfeeding problems and solutions
- Easy and nutritious recipes for kids
- Fun kids’ activities to stimulate creativity
- Ideas for creating a family-friendly home
- Ways to support healthy child development
Motherhood is many things all mixed into one. With every post, I aim to carve out a little more space to hold all the contradictions, questions, struggles, and joys.

About Author

Stay-at-home mom blogger with 2 wild ones in tow. I love to write about my favorite kid-friendly recipes, activities, and childhood development topics. Most importantly, I spill the beans about the greatest joys of motherhood, along with the struggles that too often get swept under the rug.
Find out more about the Shiny New Parent blog on my About page.
Master of Arts in Art Therapy & Counseling, Marylhurst University
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Lewis & Clark College